Monday, August 5, 2013

Izi's Simple Guide to Betta

Sense I moved to the Palouse I have been asked to create a simple care guide for betta with a hint towards tips for this area. Here it is:

Izi's Simple Guide to Betta:

Betta splendens originate from Siam a region that includes parts of Thailand and Malaysia along with some other places. To understand betta care is to understand the region they were coming from. However today Betta have been redesigned by humans to not be able to live in identical conditions but many things have remained the same.
- Betta live in a pH of about 6.5-7.4 but can be acclimated to higher or lower pH. The ideal is about 6.8. This by no means says betta cannot survive in a pH of 8 or more (though anything above 8.2  is not really safe) in fact I have spawned and reared fry in pH over 7.8. Betta are masters at acclimating to different water chemistry hence they love for them as beginner fish. Additions to a tank like filtering through peat or drift wood or indian almond leaves (see betta care for more info) will help turn water more acidic.
-Temprature should between 68*F- 84*F any lower and betta will go into shock or hibernation and higher and they will also go into shock. I consider this the second most important thing with betta. I very rarely see a betta live over a few years without being heated because keeping your house at 80*F isnt normal (unless your incredibly dedicated to your fish).
-By far the MOST IMPORTANT THING when raising betta is clean water. At the end of the day I would rather do a water change with water that has a pH of 8.0 then keep a betta in dirty water.  Anything under a half gallon should be changed every day anything from a half gallon to 2 gallons twice a week and anything over once a week. That is my general rule of thumb and a guide depending on your fish (whether growing out, spawning, or sick all require different things).
-Feed your betta well. Betta are carnivorous and require a well rounded diet centered around protein. When you get food for your betta keep this in mind. And remember the more nutrition per mouthful the less they eat the less waste the cleaner the water.

There are many other things that factor into having a happy healthy fish and many ways to get there. These are my guidelines nothing more I always tell people to go research and find out more and dont use just one opinion.

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